China's Cyber War on the US
According to FBI Director Wray, China has been placing cyber bombs in our critical infrastructure. Well then, what was the FBI's priority stack of operations?
China has a bigger cyber theft and cyber attack program than all other nations combined.
Yes, this is true. So on Day 1 of January 20, 2025, the priority stack of operations that the FBI has been apportioning resources to under Biden needs to be revealed.
How many FBI operations were focused on J6, School Board Meetings, and Right Wing Christian Nationalists?
And what role have the Chinese Special Operators being let into the country played? How many of them have taken jobs with telecommunication firms to help the placement of cyber weapons inside American Critical Infrastructure?
We need to rip and replace all untrusted Chinese hardware and software, hold China accountable, and also hold Biden officials accountable.
Wray should have resigned years ago if he felt strongly about the Merrick Garland directed priorities for the FBI.
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WHEN(!!!) ... Will any of these FBI characters be held accountable?
- Wray?
- Comey?
- Mueller?
- Struck // Page?
- Epps?
All have sketchy - checkered past of traitorous actions. Until we see significant // meaningful accountabilities, how and why should we trust anyone from this 'clearly' weaponized US Institution? Currently, the FBI has an integrity and trust issue.
We were their targets for 4 years. The Moms or Dads at school meeting fighting all of the Pediophiles who were grooming their children. All I have seen are a body of traffickers, Pediophiles and criminals in that group. Useless to this country because they morphed into something other than what they were supposed to be doing. Or have they been this way for longer than we realized? Most of what I have seen is treason. Hanging is more the word I would like to be used. Americans are raging angry at what has been happening. We are over the mildly amused. Farcical is a word I used today to describe the Democratic agenda. It’s beyond lying, they purposely misled the country to do their hidden evil agendas. We are in a spiritual war of good v. Evil.