The real story of the latest Biden/Ukraine debacle: Anti-Personnel Mines
We're pulling our only stocks that exist - our AP Mines in South Korea
The Land Mine Treaty is well intended, but flawed. Just like the Kellogg-Briand Pact to Outlaw War, it is Elite Street Theater that makes Globalists feel good about themselves as they slurp down smoked salmon and other fine food as they blather platitudes at international conferences on someone else’s dime. But aggressive, totalitarian nations will always escape and evade the Treaties.
The U.S. actually hasn’t signed the Land Mine Treaty, but has “abided” by it large part - something in the Golden Age of America First we have to nuke. This is de-facto Treaty following - a violation of the Constitution without Senate ratification.
The story in Ukraine is not the ATACMS - it's the landmines out of South Korea - this is supposedly our only stockage of AP Mines. This leaves South Korea and US Troops in South Korea without a key deterrent capability.
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I'm worn out digging for answers, these bastards have to go. To Hell with them. Now.