Sep 16Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

How does social engineering work?

An engineer is setting up different steps and calculates the outcome: if I use steel plates of 1/2 inch thickness, the probability that the bridge will hold is >99%.

A social engineer creates hateful messages, uses social media to reach >100 million people over 8 years, and the probability that 1 out of 100 million people will snap is >99%.

The concept of reaching a predictable outcome with >99% is the same. It can be calculated.

A social engineer cannot determine “who” the person will be that is snapping, but it can determine that with a probability of >99% someone will snap.

Social media has become an anti-society media. It probably has been created and is maintained for social engineers.

With the decisive election approaching fast, the snapping attempts could possibly also accelerate because part of the social engineering is that the total and focused hatred towards DJ Trump has turned into a competition. Even worse, foreign trained actors might blend into this socially engineered field.

Pause for a moment: look at the machinery that has been engineered to stop one man.

This machinery could ruin every person within 3 months.

Trump has already brought in one win for the people: the deep state had to reveal its stealth machinery and now the people can realize that they are subjected to social engineering and target manipulation.

Guided by AI...

We cannot play Russian roulette with President Trump’s life.

Instead we should reverse the social engineering and use social media to call for an end to political violence, call out any VIP who instigated hatred against Trump, and even call out social media platforms (including search engine companies) for their responsibility to transport the hatred against Trump to the people.

0:2 must be the final result.

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Sep 17Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills


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Sep 16Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Buckle up for sure

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Sadly he is just one of the many nut jobs that have fallen prey to this.

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