Sep 25Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

The brinksmanship happening in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and the pathetic US government responses, are patently obvious and we thank you, Col. Mills, for giving us the clarity that the MSM shills are working so hard to obfuscate. However, I must disagree that we do not have adults in charge. The people puppeteering Biden are most certainly adults who are carrying out a well organized take down of our Constitutional Republic and attempting to replace it with a China style totalitarian form of crony capitalism. Yep, they are adults and they are traitors as are the forward facing puppets they control who have taken the oath to preserve, protect and defend to Constitution of the United States of America.

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Sep 25Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Very disturbing! People need to be prepared!

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Sep 25Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

This is infuriating. ( But no surprise.) Please understand the trajectory of this missile test.

The CCP has never felt any need to abide by international standards:

Currency manipulation.

International waters. (South China Sea)

Intellectual property theft.

Organ removal from prisoners.

Fentanyl precursors to Mexico.

Bullying Taiwan and Philippines.


China does not play by the rules - ever.

Allowing a “weather spy ballon” to drift into US airspace.... with a perfect path over our missile depots. ...

Now they take it to the next level: unannounced (or at least poorly announced--there is no “poorly announcing” when it comes to ICBM tests...) missile tests (for the first time in decades.... so people can hardly tell what they are doing) during these highly “explosive” times.

China’s unrestricted warfare dogma would not need to announce a war. They would just launch their ICBMs... China does not play by the rules, thus, announcing a war is an outdated rule. So if a country is known to ignore rules, then an unannounced ICBM launch could either be a real attack or potentially provoke a war.

Super dangerous.

Super irresponsible.

But since China already supports the war in Ukraine and Middle East, and the UN is busy with these wars, nobody would be there to hold China accountable. - CCP China is an entity with “cancerous” characteristics inside the international body. It acts, grows and metastasizes on its own terms. “Unrestricted warfare” turns into “unrestricted expansion”.

And now ICBMs are introduced in the unrestricted expansion.

We are worried about nuclear bombs in the hands of “suicide” jihadists, but we miss the elephant in the room: ICBMs in the hands of “unrestricted warfare” generals in CCP China.

So, an unannounced ICBM test by China is infuriating.

Don’t wait for adults in the room to show up (or to discuss whether there are adults or not.) That’s a waste of time.

Instead be the adult you wish to see and share your alerts via social media or OpEds.

The other side gets more brazen day after day, and we seem to be asleep at the wheel. Anyone who “romanticizes” China, including among the presidential candidates, should be confronted with the actual nature of the CCP.

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Sep 26Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Scarier by the day

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Sep 25Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Maybe(?), Miley & Austin were personally notified and assured this was just a test?!?!

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