Sep 18Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Basically, someone has created an army of little Trojan Horse and smuggled them behind the gates of the enemy.

These were tiny horses.

If you read “Stealth War” by Brig. Gen. (ret.) R. Spalding you wake up to the fact that millions of commercial cargo containers in Chinese ports destined for export to U.S., are “checked” by only 4(?) US officials.... in 10+ Chinese ports. Once they arrive in US there is no second check...

So China can get BIG Trojan Horses into US without a problem.

I don’t know if you can store missiles in these containers, or a barrage of little drones, etc.... I have no idea. But after seeing what havoc tiny pagers can cause, I think we need to pay more attention to Chinese container ships.

BTW, Cosco, the Chinese container company is considered the “soft” forefront of the Chinese Navy....

Beware of Trojan Horses.

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Sep 18Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Great point

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Sep 18Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Never underestimate Israel they may not get you today but they will get you. If I recall Mosadd tracked down those who committed the Munich Olympics blood bath, sabotaged Iran’s their ability to bring nuclear weapons into play, and let's not forget the six-day war. So on and so.

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Yes COSCO is their merchant marine and Q Ships all in one

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