$16 billion to 2,500 NGOs equates to an average of $6 million per NGO. That gives some punch to each of the 2,500.
Add to it donations by the Soros foundation, and the punch gets even bigger.
Add other billionaires and you get the point.
A handful of billionaires accumulate so much power that they can influence the direction of the country.
Political parties are eager to say that we live in a democracy and that each person’s vote counts. Agree. The vote of each legal voter counts, but only once. If billionaires “buy” votes by paying millions of $ to thousands of NGOs, then this is not a democracy but rather an oligarchy.
Don’t mix the messenger (NGOs) with the boss (billionaires). There is no problem with billionaires having a lot of money in their personal lives, but that does not equate to having more ‘voting power’ in a public election.
It is difficult to confine NGOs to humanitarian, but not political projects. The dividing line is blurry.
It is also difficult to limit the $ amount of contributions to an NGO, as billionaires can donate to 2,500 NGOs or found new NGOs.
What could be regulated by law is the total donation amount of individuals (to NGOs or any other group).
Eg if billionaires can maximum donate only $5 million in total per year, you shift from oligarchy to democracy.
The Blue Team have become experts in creating NGO pass throughs - they want to ambiguate attempts to "follow the money"
It's almost like a page from the CIA Manual?
... Complete hands-off
... Complete deniability.
... ???
What a coincidence, I think not
The IRS applies little oversight to the "c3" NGO racket
$16 billion to 2,500 NGOs equates to an average of $6 million per NGO. That gives some punch to each of the 2,500.
Add to it donations by the Soros foundation, and the punch gets even bigger.
Add other billionaires and you get the point.
A handful of billionaires accumulate so much power that they can influence the direction of the country.
Political parties are eager to say that we live in a democracy and that each person’s vote counts. Agree. The vote of each legal voter counts, but only once. If billionaires “buy” votes by paying millions of $ to thousands of NGOs, then this is not a democracy but rather an oligarchy.
Don’t mix the messenger (NGOs) with the boss (billionaires). There is no problem with billionaires having a lot of money in their personal lives, but that does not equate to having more ‘voting power’ in a public election.
It is difficult to confine NGOs to humanitarian, but not political projects. The dividing line is blurry.
It is also difficult to limit the $ amount of contributions to an NGO, as billionaires can donate to 2,500 NGOs or found new NGOs.
What could be regulated by law is the total donation amount of individuals (to NGOs or any other group).
Eg if billionaires can maximum donate only $5 million in total per year, you shift from oligarchy to democracy.
Either this issue gets resolved humanely or, it gets resolved by other means!
As recently stated by a current Senator ... "You can only push people so far!"
Repeal the 16th amendment
Going down soon