Jun 26Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

One should prep. Food, water, and Ammo.

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Jun 26Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

CCP is the biggest, most vicious international bully.

However, look closely, they are also cowards, only come with 3-4x more people.... only then do they feel confident enough to .... scream and hit the boat. They operate by intimidation.

Remember the clash in the Kashmir at the Indian border in 2022? They also used ‘hitting’ weapons, sticks etc.

Intimidating without ‘gunfire’, so that it is a minor incident in the news.

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This is the Indian Border Clash 2.0 - Water Park Edition

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Can someone explain to me what the difference is between Somali pirates on sea and the Chinese navy stopping and threatening Philippines fisherman in international waters?

Also: what is the difference between Russia annexing land in Crimea and East Ukraine and China ‘annexing’ (international waters of) the South China Sea? Well, yes, the area carries ‘China’ in its name but technically it is international water.

Aren’t Russia and China drawing single sidedly a new border line ?

Ru & Cn are both in the UN Security Council. So asking the UN for intervention is basically demonstrating that the UN is defunct. So what to do?

Like Ru claiming land in Crimea, what will Cn do after expanding its territory across the water to the landline of Japan and Philippines (and Taiwan)? It might not end at the coastline but cross it.

When the Ru & Cn Presidents met for a glass of champagne stating that when the two of them cooperate, changes not seen in 100 years will be set in motion, they probably have referred to territory and borders...

So why not countering these efforts in the early stage by classifying the Chinese navy as pirates?

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Totally concur

90 days of food, water, and other necessaries

In the first 90 days you don't want to be part of the mob at Costco nor the mob on the Freeway trying to get out of town.

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We can't even defend ourselves

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I'm afraid that we are no longer the "shining city on a hill" that we used to be and lack the means, via what is becoming a long history of upgrade and planning shortfalls in the US Navy, and leadership mettle (especially at the upper echelons) to respond. Am I wrong Colonel Mills?

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Colonel Mills, is there a problem with the video link on this page? When I click it takes me to your "A couple of thermite grenades is all it needs" article, not a video.

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The problem has been solved. Should work now

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Fixed, thanks Colonel Mills!

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