Oct 1Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

The ultimate Chineez play may also include ... S-Korea, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Guam, Kwajalein, and Papua New Guinea. The US probably should re-evaluate where to deploy the Naval Fleet, dispatching a few Carrier Groups to eastern Pacific (seems like a smart move).

Russia appears to be rather confident with their continued air space incursions, without any consequences. It might also be a wise move to re-establish Adak Naval Station and deploy some Naval assets based from Adak (AK).

Additionally, it seems like it would be a good idea to deploy HIMARS to key locations throughout the Pacific. One was recently delivered to Shemya (AK).

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Yes - they should have HIMARS at several locations in the Aleutians. Without them, the message is, we don't care about sovereign territory. What do they think this is, the Southern Border?

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Oct 2Liked by ColonelRETJohn Mills

Alaska ... "is" the most northern border!

Alaska ... is resource rich with Oil, Gas, Minerals.

Alaska ... is uniquely located for defense (just look at a Globe).

Alaska ... is uniquely located to establish northern sea route.

HIMARS ... are more effective on US soil (not Ukraine), especially along the western coastline of Alaska, including the Aleutian Chain Islands.

I hope Dan Sullivan can make a compelling argument to re-establish Adak as a Navy Base. It's remote and the operations will be expensive but, it is ideally - uniquely located. Additionally, it could also support a fleet of USCG Ice Breaker Fleet. Serving a dual purpose.

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It’s getting scary. Get food water & ammo, and medications.

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We're being contoured

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Wake up

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I hope the white hats have a plan

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Place your bets.....odds on American ain't good

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Why did DID Secretary ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier group from the Pacific (Taiwan) to the Middle East a couple of weeks ago?

To create a power vacuum around Taiwan and make it easy for China to launch missiles.

China is playing chess with US, and the US has pretty dumb or corrupt players at board 1 and 2. We just fall into China’s traps like a middle schooler. China instigates Iran and promises support in fighting Iran’s arch enemy (how could Iran not fall into that trap, either?)

Meanwhile China’s influence in the UN, is another move to prevent building an international alliance (as in the case of former Yugoslavia and Iraq).

Can there be so much incompetence on the global stage or is that all “arranged” by invisible puppet masters?

The next move of Bobby Fisher, the U.S. chess grandmaster, would be to send the US Abraham Lincoln back to Taiwan and add another carrier group. Taiwan, like a square on a chess board, is a square that America does not want to lose. No micro chips, no economy.

China started off with rhetoric on Taiwan, then it supported a pro-CCP presidential candidate, then it sent airplanes into Taiwan’s air space, then it sent its navy around the island, and now we see missiles.... China is moving inch by inch into the island and the west is watching.

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